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WordPress. How to delete WordPress theme

Hanna Smith January 2, 2020
Rating: 3.5/5. From 19 votes.
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本教程将向您展示如何通过WordPress删除已安装的主题 dashboard and FTP manager.

Customizable WordPress Themes

WordPress. How to delete WordPress theme

Removing theme through a WordPress dashboard.

  1. Open your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Themes.

  2. 您不能删除活动主题,所以首先激活默认主题 WordPress theme (二十四年)能够删除一个主题要求.

  3. 单击未激活的主题以查看其详细信息,然后单击 Delete 按钮在右下角. 现在,您的主题已成功删除:

  4. Now click the deactivated Cherry Framework to see it’s details and delete. Click Delete 按钮在右下角. Your Cherry Framework 现在也成功移除了吗.

此外,您还可以删除已安装的主题 through your FTP manager.

  1. Using the FTP manager登录到您的服务器并打开WordPress安装文件夹.

  2. Go to wp-content/themes folder. Delete both your theme and cherry Framework folders.

  3. 现在转到wp-content/plugins文件夹. Delete all the cherry plugins.

已成功删除主题 FTP manager now.


WordPress. How to delete WordPress theme

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Customizable Wordpress Themes
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